Upon reaching the entrance to Stibnite …. I note a primitive two track turning to the left up Sugar Creek. I make my turn off and proceed. This scenic two track is a pleasant relief from the wider forest service roads I’ve been on thus far.
The track runs for maybe a mile or so before crossing the creek and starting the climb up towards Cinnabar Peak.
This crossing could have some splash to it on a normal run off year. This years light snow pack keeps the creek to an easy level.
The road continues it’s climb with the surface becoming busy in spots with loose rock, but plenty manageable.
I continue my climb up until the first buildings come into view ….
Cinnabar has been classified by the Forest Service as a contaminated site …. largely due to the fact that they actually mined mercury here from the local minerals. It’s been proving difficult to find information regarding the activity of this mine, but I believe that it was active into the 1960’s.
Just past the first set of buildings I find my parking spot at city center.
The many buildings indicate a thriving past operation with a numerous work force …. and my guess being construction as the second largest contributor to this once was economy.
I leave the bike parked … City Center …. and hike up an access road towards the mill.
Looking down from the access road
View back down the access road …. my bike is parked on the mound just left of the aligned buildings.
I hike past the old mill reconnecting to the main road. I head back down with the road passing some even larger buildings.
If these buildings could talk I’m sure there would be some stories to tell!
Back on the lower landing I decide it’s time to move forward … nails are my primary concern given the amount of wood/building debris scattered around the area.
The view from top is equally as spectacular …
My next objective is to make the climb up towards the ridge above and the 8500′ Monumental Summit.
Extra gear I have stored in my OBR ADV Gear Extras Pouch. This pouch can either be thrown into a saddlebag or attached externally to my kit.